Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sleepover Talking Time #1

Hey guys this is Hailey and Blaire over here! All names are changed so none of these are the real names. We are switching up every few lines so u will b hearing about Hailey's boy trouble and Blaire's online stuff.

H: Well, we have a lot to talk about this time. My friend good Mariah dated my other good friend Eli. It was really awkward for me. Mariah broke up with Eli because he started sagging his pants and joking around too much by calling her names. But now it seems like he's trying to come on to me. I was on my email and we were chatting. I was asking him why he didn't talk to any of the people in our advisory, and he said "idk. Do u want me 2?" I was like woahhhhhhh! He made the conversation so awkward. But the thing is, I think I kinda like him. But I can't let him know that because he just broke up with one of my best friends...WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B: Well the biggest thing happening in my life right now is probably an email scandal with a girl named Lilly. I was friends with Lilly and Hailey pretended to b mad at me online and Lilly said some horrible stuff bout me. She said I was a wanna be, didn't care about other peoples feelings, and couldn't forgive people easily, and to top it all off she hates me. I was like woah! Now since I'm not even supposed to know that this happened, I can't say anything about this whole thing, even though i want to scream at her.

1 comment:

  1. B:OKay so times have changed its like a whole 2/3 years later i mean that was in like 2010!!!! omggggggg thats like so long ago! so now its like me an lilly are like fine omg like whatever past. So like now this girl gilly is like soooo mad at me for like slapping her in the face! OMG ik that sounds bad but she like totaly overrrr reacttted. shes like legit super mad at me, but we like kinda made up at the new years party yesturday.... omg im like so embarresed i cannot freaking dance for my life, i look so stupid when i try, but i dont like even care when the lights are off no one knows how PA THET IC i look........whatevs, but ommg i'm totes scared at the party like one of my bfffff like took a shot. like two shots. and im like girl! holly shisht! i didn't do anything OF COURSE...but im worried that ill be tempted because it seemed so harmless! but omg she spiked my drink...CRAPP!!! i was like OH NO YOU DIDN'T! but she did, i don't wanna be that type of a gurl. like no. soon they're gonna like want me to smoke or something god!!!! okay im done!
